New Year, New Self

I've been struggling a lot with blogging recently because I didn't want to have two different blogs but I also didn't want to mix my personal blog posts with my work blog (client photoshoots and stuff). Then I said to myself, "Self, who says you can't? There is not written rule somewhere that you can't post about personal things and work things in one place." So with that, I decided to give back my blog the personal touch that it lost when it became my work blog.

After this realization, I thought about all of the other times that I've placed artificial boundaries for myself. I've told myself so many times that I can't do that because no one else does that. I can't wear that because no one else is wearing it. I can't like that because no one else likes it. How sad is that?! I've been trying to build my little business so much that I've lost what makes it unique - what makes it me.

I know I'm definitely not the only one that has done this. But I also know that plenty of people don't. They make the jump. They follow their passions and the little voice in their head that encourages, not minimizes. Can you imagine if J.K. Rowling had given up on her Harry Potter books because no one else was writing stories about wizards and witches heading off to a magical boarding school? (I've been re-reading Harry Potter, if you couldn't tell.)

It's funny to me that I realized this about myself because of something so small as a blog. It's also even funnier because one of my goals for this year is to "Be Me". You would think that at 25, I would be comfortable with who I am, but I'm not quite there. I'm still scared of people I don't know. I'm also scared of people I do know too, so that's cool. :)

Here's to a new year, free of artificial boundaries and full of self-appreciation!
