Food for the Soul

If any of you know me, you know that I have a new obsession every other week. Funny thing is 95% of my past obsessions {aspirations sounds better...} still have a place in my heart and life.

So what is my latest relapse? Music. Since I was a wee little lass, I always took some sort of music lesson whether it was violin, viola, piano, clarinet, or voice. Since I've been at school though, my opportunities to play have been depressingly low.

My mom, bless her soul, came to visit this last weekend. What did she bring with her?

My violin. 

Seriously one of the best days of my life. And also the saddest. Why? Because I realized how rusty I am. No, I'm not being modest. I mean it. I sound like I did in fourth grade when I picked up my first violin. Yikes.

One of my dreams when I was younger was to play for the Orchestra on Temple Square.

This dream came back to my remembrance on Sunday when I went to Music and the Spoken Word in Salt Lake, then left quickly when I tried to play one of my audition pieces from high school later that day. So awkward.

Anywho. Dear readers, I am making a commitment right now. And you will be my witnesses. I am going sharpen these skills again. Whether it is to play with the Orchestra on Temple Square or to just teach my kids how to play. All I know is that music has been understated in my life for the last couple of years. One of my friends told me that I had hid my light under a bushel. That's probably why I suck now.

Music is a beautiful thing though. It has the potential to move people and communicate in a way that words often cannot. Having the ability to do so is one of the most satisfying things. Especially since communication is not one of my fortes.                                                                                                                       Pun.

Happy Tuesday!
